For Healing
For Healing
For Healing
Sometimes the process of creation allows us to express visually what we can not put into words. Art is Good are healing arts workshops. They are not therapy, but a forum for expression either through creativity, friendship or just being. Art heals. Participating groups utilize the artwork created during Art is Good to raise funds and awareness by exhibiting locally or at events.
Art is Good is also offered every Summer at Camp Jinka, an award winning camp for kids and teens from The David S. Zocchi Brain Tumor Center support community.
Art is Good workshops are regularly offered by The David S. Zocchi Brain Tumor Center to families whose lives have been impacted by the diagnosis of a brain tumor.
What are our clients are saying about us?
“I had the pleasure of being introduced to the Puzzle Project at the Latrobe Art Center by its Director Gabrielle Nastuck and Artist Tim Kelly. We had just begun an art therapy based grief support group facilitated by my Seton Hill University art therapy intern Meghan F. Our goal was to provide a safe place where individuals could gather, share and support each other in their grief. The Puzzle Project was the first art therapy directive that our group participated in. In essence, our group created individual pieces that allowed them to freely express their feelings while, ultimately, understanding that al- though their grief was unique, they were connected to each other in their loss. Metaphorically, I could have not thought of a more creative way to cre- ate a sense of oneness within the group. As new members came to the group they, too, were given the opportunity to create their puzzle piece and add it to the collective whole. As part of the therapeutic process, each indi- vidual was given the opportunity to share their understanding of what they had created and to speak to their sense of being a part of something larger. The significance of the fact that each individual puzzle piece supported the other pieces was not lost on them, as the goal of the group is support for one another.
This Grief Support partipant created art in honor of her late father. She used art for healing and catharsis... and it made her smile.
My other art therapy intern took the Puzzle Project to Our Clubhouse –a charitable organization that serves anyone who has been affected by cancer- to, again, create a sense of community, while acknowledging the individual paths that has brought each person to their door. As new members join, they are each encouraged to create a puzzle piece to add to the wall where they are displayed, as an act of welcoming inclusion.
I have found the Puzzle Project to be a profound metaphor in working with people who are struggling with loss."
"I'm still smiling from the experience of participating in the Art Is Good workshop yesterday afternoon! What a wonderful opportunity to bring people together to make art, while also providing a safe place to talk about feelings and thoughts that might come up related to their individual experiences of being affected by brain tumors in some way. Thank you again for everything you are doing with this unique puzzle project!"